Start-up company support

The abundancy of regulatory requirements, forms and procedures which you encounter as a start-up company does not make it easier for you. The sheer volume of regulations and procedures can even lead to dropping out of the entrepreneurship altogether. We assist and guide you in your start-up phase of your own company.

Together we will create a business plan and we will calculate prognoses. We will advise you on tax matters but also matters regarding product liability, human resources and type of company. As soon as you (now well informed) start your business we can assist you, if so desired by you, with your bookkeeping. Based on these accounts we will discuss with you whether or not your plans are being realized.

Naturally we will provide you with accurate and relevant information for your decision making process.As a start-up company you need to register with the Chamber of Commerce and the Belastingdienst (Dutch Revenue Agency) and you will need to open a business bank account.

We are most willing to support you in your contacts with these and other external parties. Sometimes a credit facility is necessary. We are at your service regarding this financing process.We will make sure that your administrative burden is reduced, so that you can focus on that what really matters, your business!

If you represent a foreign company interested in engaging in an operation in the Netherlands please refer to this page for more information.

Company set-up

Entrepreneurs often ask us if they are still operating within the right company type. The answer to this question is not clear-cut and depends on the wishes and demands of the concerning entrepreneur and company. In most cases a sole proprietorship is a sound solution for start-ups from a tax perspective because of the numerous start-up (tax) incentives. However the preceding sole proprietorship does not have to be the best solution from a liability perspective due to the lack of separation between personal and business assets.

The popular VOF company can be interesting from a tax perspective, however most of the times the joint liability of the partners is overlooked. The Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) does not have the disadvantages of joint liability yet retains most tax advantages and may provide a proper alternative to the VOF.

We have experience in the incorporation of (almost) all possible domestic and foreign types of company. We would like to use our expertise to assist you in making your choice(s). Below we have provide a selection of the types of companies of which we have been involved in the incorporation process recently:

  • Eenmanszaak (English: Sole Properietorship)
  • Vennootschap onder Firma (VOF) (English: Partnership)
  • Commanditaire Vennootschap (C.V.) (English: Limited Partnership)
  • Coöperatie Uitgesloten Aansprakelijkheid (U.A.) (English: Co-operative society)
  • Besloten Vennootschap (B.V.) (English: Limited Liability Company)
  • Stichting (English: Foundation)
  • Stichting Administratiekantoor (English: Trust)
  • Société à Résponsabilté Limitée (SàRL) (English: Limited Liability Company)
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
  • Limited Liability Company (Ltd.)
  • Société de Gestion de Patrimoine Familial Luxembourg (SPF)

Please refer to this page for more in-depth information on various company types.